lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Fw: [ PAZ con DIGNIDAD ] FW: Orientacion y Lucha - Editorial - enero

Amigos, para reflejar en palabras meditadas sobre la situación de salvar la Pátria Panameña y el rescate por su pueblo organizado y mobilizado en las calles a lo largo del país.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Cristobal Segundo <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 7:24 PM
Subject: [ PAZ con DIGNIDAD ] FW: Orientacion y Lucha - Editorial - enero


Subject: Orientacion y Lucha - Editorial - enero
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 18:59:57 -0500

Editorial - La Patria está en peligro... ¡Salvémosla!
El despertar político del pueblo tiene ya su propia dinámica, que en las actuales circunstancias se expresa por una protesta social por todos los confines de nuestro territorio   potencializado por los desmanes y fariseísmos del martinelato.
En el nuevo año que comienza a transcurrir, aflora con mayor claridad el curso al que ha sido sometida  nuestra  sociedad.  Bajo la  dirección política de Cambio Democrático, nuestro país es conducido paulatinamente a un régimen despótico porque el orden constitucional presidencialista obsoleto y tolerante de los grupos mafiosos y aventureros, a disponer según sus intereses egoístas y malvados, del futuro de nuestra nación.
La descomposición del orden legal establecido, ha llevado al pueblo panameño a una encrucijada fatal, cuyo perfil es el de un crecimiento material que concentra la riqueza en un grupo cada vez más estrecho y selecto, a la vez somete a la ruina y sufrimiento al resto de la sociedad.
El instrumento político utilizado por el Martinelato en esta carrera hacia el abismo, son los métodos despóticos con los que está dirigiendo al país bajo la figura cada vez más nítida  de  que  estamos  bajo  el  puño  de  un déspota, apoyado por la burocracia incondicional, compuesta por corruptos impunes, por tránsfugas, oportunistas y fariseos.
Vivimos momentos que toca ya una situación peligrosa, que puede generalizar violencia por la política de acorralamiento anti-popular. La inflación incontrolada, la sistemática violación de los derechos laborales, encarecimiento de los servicios públicos, la ruina agropecuaria, la desestabilización del sistema educativo, el abuso contra el medio ecológico y la privatización sistemática de su potencial; el caos en el transporte de pasajeros y el desorden del tránsito automotor, la impunidad de la burocracia, la desestabilización del sistema financiero y la industria del servicio, la inseguridad pública, el cada vez más descarado despotismo, etc., etc. constituyen rasgos que nos advierten con claridad que la mansedumbre de las masas populares con la que los politiqueros, demagogos y sofistas están acostumbrados a engañar y a sobrevivir, la están agotando a pasos agigantados y en consecuencia su conducta será de protesta, la denuncia y el combate social. La violencia  en el   horizonte no lo está provocando el pueblo, sino las cúpulas políticas que han llevado al límite la tolerancia y el conformismo de las masas.
El despertar político del pueblo tiene ya su propia dinámica, que en las actuales circunstancias se expresa por una protesta social por todos los confines de nuestro territorio   potencializado por los desmanes y fariseísmos del martinelato.  La indignación popular se generaliza y transforma en una demanda de cambio.
En estos momentos, el Martinelato pretende engañar al pueblo para encausarlo a las elecciones del 2014, elecciones acondicionadas ya, para como dice el Presidente: Repetir. Repetir su cacicazgo feudal y prolongar la pauperización de la mayoría del pueblo panameño.
El pueblo quiere cambio, quiere democracia legítima y la única vía para ese cambio no son las elecciones del 2014 marcadas por Cambio Democrático, sino un nuevo orden constitucional concebido por el pueblo y no por los politiqueros excluidos por la lógica de la historia, que se está desenvolviendo. El cambio que clama el pueblo panameño ya no se puede evitar.
Andando juntos, ¡Venceremos!
Rubén D. Sousa B. Coordinador General
Presídium del Partido del Pueblo
Panamá, 14 de enero de 2013.
Orientación y Lucha
Organo de Información del Partido del Pueblo
Actividad reciente:

- "Solo los obreros y los campesinos iran hasta el fin, solo su fuerza organizada lograra el triunfo"
A. C. Sandino

- "de todas las clases que hoy se enfrentan con la burguesia, solo el proletariado es una clase verdaderamente revolucionaria"
C. Marx y F. Engels, Manifiesto del Partido Comunista

- "Sin Teoria Revolucionaria no hay Movimiento Revolucionario"
V. Ilich Ulianov - Lenin

- "Compañeros obreros y campesinos, esta es la Revolución socialista y democrática de los humildes, con los humildes y para los humildes. Y por esta Revolución de los humildes, por los humildes y para los humildes, estamos dispuestos a dar la vida... "
Fidel Castro R. -1961

- "Después de Nerón Somoza, la Revolución Popular Sandinista. Tal es la aspiración del movimiento guerrillero nicaragüense inspirado por el ideal justiciero de Carlos Marx, Augusto César Sandino y Ernesto Che Guevara, ideal de liberación nacional y socialismo, ideal de soberanía, tierra y trabajo, ideal de justicia y libertad"
Carlos Fonseca A. - 1969

- "los terminos medios son la antesala de la traición"
Ernesto Che Guevara

- "Tenemos que hacer una lucha revolucionaria, y eso pasa, por forjar conciencia de clase, lo decía Marx... Se necesita ¡la conciencia de clase! para ser revolucionario; para no convertirse en un instrumento de la contrarrevolución"
Daniel Ortega S. - 30-04-2008

- "Aqui en Venezuela, nuestra batalla es una expresión de la lucha de clases : El pueblo, las clases populares y los pobres contra los ricos y los ricos contra los pobres y los sectores populares"
Hugo Chavez F. - 30-11-2008

- "que no se reblandezcan con los cantos de sirena del enemigo y tengan conciencia de que por su esencia, nunca dejará de ser agresivo, dominante y traicionero; que no se aparten jamás de nuestros obreros, campesinos y el resto del pueblo; que la militancia impida que destruyan al Partido"
Raoúl Castro R.



martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

USA Banks will close down for one week!!! or more!!! jojojo...where are you going to buy a mango???

Bailout Creating a Financial Black Hole to Suck Us All In

Posted: October 4 2008


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What is this?

A dish of Bailout with a side of pork, shareholders vaporized by Derivatives Death-Star, We all await the financial markets implosion, No problems solved by the bailout, Stay prepared for a full shutdown of the financial system with some cash on hand, Credit default swaps unregulated point in the chain

Well, what a surprise, we've been sold down the river for the usual "thirty pieces of silver" by our Congress and our President, working together in unison, for the nth time.  

The $700 billion bailout, a mere sideshow, sweetened with 150 billion in pork, has now been approved so that Wall Street can continue to game the system and its hapless suckers, the American sheople.  Just put some pork in, and the hungry piranha in Congress would legislate their own mothers into slavery for a nice juicy morsel of that pork.  And never mind the moral hazard dripping from the pork, because that makes it taste all the sweeter.

If you were wondering why all the healthier financial institutions, and of course we say that with tongue-in-cheek because we know they are all eventually slated for destruction by the explosive blast of a Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Death-Star, were buying all the gargantuan commercial and investment banks that are laden with toxic waste, you now have your answer.  This is why all the shareholders in these zombie-acquisition deals are getting vaporized.  Their assets were more valuable than they thought, because unbeknownst to them, the US government was about to pay far more for these assets than they were worth.  But since the shareholders were not Illuminists, they were not privy to this information.  And look at the disgrace with Citibank and Wachovia.  After Citigroup wipes out the Wachovia shareholders, with the help of the FDIC, suddenly Wells Fargo, which now sees the value of all of Wachovia's crap paper via the Paulson Ponzi-Plan, comes through with a better offer.  The Wachovia shareholders should attack Citigroup based on their fraudulent balance sheets, because they were in no position to acquire anything on this scale, or any other scale for that matter.

The Illuminist insiders were all told in advance that Wall Street's Excellent Bailout Bonanza would be stuffed down the throats of gullible US taxpayers.  Note how many of these zombie-acquisition-deals were done before the bailout plan was even proposed on September 20.  As you can see, the masters of the universe are so arrogant that they were willing to bet hundreds of billions of dollars that the Paulson Ponzi-Plan would be successfully shoved up our collective butts by our bought-and-paid-for-or-compromised government "representatives," so-called, despite the hue and cry of the sheople against this monstrosity, sometimes by as much as 300 to 1.  All that cesspool paper that they now own by virtue of these zombie-acquisition-deals is very valuable to them.  It will be sold to the government for far more than it is worth so that financial institutions around the world can somehow pretend that the losses are far less than they really are.  And never mind that everyone in the world knows this stuff is crap, because we will all now have some sort of collective pipedream in the United Goldilocks Matrix.  We can just see Hank and Ben firing up the pods and installing the everything-will-turn-out-juuuust-right software, so we can all pretend that the credit-crunch never happened.  We will just ignore it.  This is another Illuminist fantasy that will turn out about as well as their subprime scam.

Of course, the reality is, whether this cesspool paper worth pennies on the dollar is sold for its hold-to-maturity value or for some lesser, but still outrageously exaggerated, figure, the sheople will eat just about everything they pay out for this toxic garbage via the bailout plan.  This stuff is crap even under current conditions, which are worsening by the minute.  Just imagine what this stuff will be worth as the real estate markets, and the value of our new collateral, continue to fade off into the sunset while we enter into the Very Large Depression, which is now insured to happen by virtue of the Paulson Ponzi-Plan.  And how much less will it be worth as the rate of return on this garbage gets buried by the upcoming double-digit interest rates that will be born out of the hyperinflation generated by all these bailouts, thus reducing its present value quite drastically.  Then throw in the proposed government workouts, complete with interest rate reductions and cram-downs, just for good measure, and that ten cents on the dollar paper that we paid thirty, forty or fifty cents on the dollar for, will soon become worthless.  Making matters even worse, all this toxic waste will be sold by select Illuminist institutions at what will be sham "arranged" auctions where everyone gets to sell what they want for the price they want, as long as they are Illuminist insiders.  Everyone else can of course go scratch.  With Hanky Panky as the real, unsupervised or rubber-stamped auctioneer, you can bet that we, the sheople, will be taken to the Illuminati's slaughterhouse to be sliced up into some prime cuts for the elitist carnivores.  Mutton chops anyone?  Dinner is now served, complete with caviar and champagne.  Bon appetite.

The Illuminati will now act like drunken sailors at a keg party.  They will drain the keg in short order, and then ask for more.  If they do not get what they want, they will get rowdy, pounding the tables with their mugs and threatening a brawl that will destroy the tavern if they do not get their next round, pronto.  Out comes the next keg, which gets drained even faster than the first because everyone is inebriated, and the next round of table pounding and threats becomes manifest.  This process will proceed until everyone at the party has more than they can handle and passes out.  Then comes the derivatives tsunami that will drown them all in a sea of counterparty risk, an event which will be used to usher in a new Orwellian, corporatist fascist state, where the financial, manufacturing and other major industries are all nationalized.  We, and our European and Canadian counterparts, will all then resemble our fellow fascists, Marxists and dictators in Russia, in China, in the Middle East, in Asia and in South America, and the formation of world government will seem like the most the most natural thing to do, when everyone is on the same page, after the pesky, arrogant United States has been humbled into submission.

As we mentioned, this Excellent Bailout Bonanza, this Paulson Ponzi-Plan, is just a sideshow to distract everyone from the real issue, which is of course the Derivative Death-Star, with a Quadrillion Dollar mass that is about to implode, detonate, and morph into a financial black hole that will suck the entire world economy into its dark, massive, foreboding center.  The subprime debacle is just one of the many fuses leading into the gargantuan derivatives powder keg.  The subprime paper to be auctioned is little more than a catalyst for the creation of the real disaster, which are the credit-default swaps and interest rate swaps, an entangled, Byzantine labyrinth of opaque, unregulated counterparty risk that will be ignited by continuing corporate bankruptcies and double-digit interest rates that will be created by a hyper-inflated economy awash in bailout dollars which the Fed will have created out of thin air.

Foreign nations with dollar forex cannot possibly keep buying all the treasuries that will have to be created to fund all these bailouts because they are all experiencing rampant inflation, and printing more of their own domestic currencies to absorb the dollars necessary to purchase treasuries is no longer possible without risking social upheaval and revolution as hyperinflation destroys their economies.  This means that some, or even most, of the new treasuries that will be created by the Treasury and the Fed to fund the bailouts and deficits will have to be monetized, which is immediately inflationary.  M3 is about to explode as these many monetizations and the Fed's trillions in liquidity injections continue to flood the fiat money and credit system, which will continue in its cryogenic state despite the Paulson Ponzi-Plan that will now be implemented in an attempt to re-inflate the credit markets, which are the lifeblood of our debt-based, fiat money system, thanks to the cessation of the gold standard.   Everyone on Wall Street knows that the subprime paper is not the real problem.  The real reason they distrust one another, and will not lend to one another, is the unknown counterparty risk that will go into a plasma state when the Derivative Death-Star detonates.  It is the opaque, unregulated OTC derivatives market that they are really afraid of.

Due to the fact that you have 70 or more trillion of credit default swaps insuring 5 trillion in bonds, a ten billion dollar loss by a large corporation can on average morph into a 140 billion disaster of epic proportions that could wipe out several other companies, whose own credit-default swap counterparty risk would then ignite, in a chain reaction reminiscent of a thermonuclear explosion.  Remember, credit default swaps are not true derivatives with a zero net sum.  They are insurance policies.  But unlike most insurance, there are no regulators or loss reserves, thanks to Slick Willie Clinton and the Congress, which passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act in 2000.  Worse yet, they can be used to insure property which the insured party does not even own.  Hence, you can see why everyone trembles at the thought of this radioactive sector going thermonuclear.

Did you see how the stock market received the Paulson Ponzi-Plan?  They used it as an opportunity to de-leverage, which is pretty much all it was good for, and the Dow was taken to a new low in the process.  No problems have been solved, and we will continue on to our ignominious destiny with recession, depression, and a third world Banana Republic standing where we are all but irrelevant to the world economy.   No one will have anything but worthless paper to spend for foreign tangible goods.

Americans and Europeans are too stupid to understand the necessity of owning precious metals under these disastrous circumstances, and they will have little of value to trade for the tangible goods exported by the world's manufacturing economies, who have taken over America's role as the lead producer thanks to free trade, globalization, off-shoring, outsourcing and both legal and illegal immigration. The main purpose of the IF is to wise these dolts up, and save them from the planned destruction of our economy at the hands of the Illuminati.  This situation is survivable, but advance notice and preparation are the key to success.  Gold and silver are the only remedy for what now ails our nation, and nations around the world.  

The Senate financial market rescue bill would temporarily allow the FDIC to borrow unlimited amounts of money from the Treasury Department in order to provide larger government deposit coverage that would extend until the end of next year, which really means forever. This has all the earmarks of a banana republic.

The latest propaganda from the government and the Illuminist think tanks tells us that, treasuries are more secure than gold because they are backed by the US government and gold has a counter party risk by whoever is storing your gold as the counter party. I've never heard any stupider comments.

The Fed has informed Bank of America to
be ready for a one-week
universal shutdown of the banking system, including access to checking accounts, savings accounts and credit cards. This is why you need $5,000 in small bills in your safe at home and small denomination gold and silver coins.


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miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

How finacialized global capitalism crisis affects South Africa by UMZEBENZI ON-LINE

Volume 7, No. 17, 1 October 2008

In this Issue:
Red Alert
The Current Global Financial Crisis and its Implications for South Africa
Guest Contributor: Rob Davies, Member of the SACP Central Committee and Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry
The proposed $ 700 billion bail out for US banks is a striking indication of the extent of the current crisis of financialised global capitalism. $ 700 billion is nearly three times the Gross Domestic Product (total value of goods and services) of South Africa. The most recent bail out proposal follows earlier hand outs to mortgage lending companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as the buy out of major insurance companies. The failure by the US Congress to approve it led to the biggest ever single day's fall in US stock prices. And yet, it is far from clear that the bail out package, even if approved, would actually succeed in "stabilizing" the crisis-ridden financialised global capitalist system. 
What lies behind this crisis of global capitalism? And what implications does it have for workers and the poor in South Africa? 
In Volume III of Capital, Marx demonstrated why capitalism is unable to develop along a path of uninterrupted expansion, and instead always evolves in cycles of booms and busts. Because the system is essentially anarchic, during periods of boom it is driven by a feeding frenzy of individualized expansion into new areas of activity.
Inevitably after time this includes areas where the underlying productive activity is unable to sustain profitability. The cycle turns and a huge competitive struggle ensues to determine which capitals must be destroyed to allow the system to re-create itself in another cycle of expansion.
Capitalist globalization since the 1990s has seen what has been called "financialisation" of investment. Facilitated by the introduction of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), capital has built the capacity to move from one investment to another in any part of the globe virtually at the press of a button. In this environment new financial institutions and new practices have emerged, located principally in the United States as the corporate headquarters of global finance capital.
"Leveraging" (meaning extending credit to a value several times that of underlying assets) and "derivative trading" (meaning repackaging real assets into financial assets in various forms) have been the basis on which enormous profits have been accumulated in recent years. Yet this has become further and further removed from the productive base of all wealth and accumulation in the "real" economy of manufacturing, agriculture and productive services, meaning that the engine room of capitalist accumulation has increasingly become in the words of Cde Fidel Castro "the casino economy" of trading in financial instruments.
Both these elements are essential to understand the current crisis. At its onset, orthodox financial commentators told us that the origin of the crisis was problems in the "sub prime" housing mortgage market in the US.
It is now evident, even to vulgar commentators, that this explanation is wholly inadequate and that the "sub prime" mortgage issue was a mere symptom of a much more profound phenomenon. Essentially during the upswing, financialised capital penetrated into a whole range of activities that would otherwise have been considered "risky". Marshalling arguments located in the ideology of neo-liberalism and market fundamentalism, finance capital resisted calls for regulation and instead asserted its unfettered "right" to "leverage" all kinds of financial instruments off "risky" underlying assets, as well as create "derivatives" of various kinds.
This kind of activity, it is now apparent, has affected (and infected) large parts of the system – not just in the US but also in Europe and Asia. Whether we are yet at the bottom of the cycle, or whether any of the proposed bail outs will have any impact remains to be seen. The crisis has already taken its toll on supposed icons of US banking (like Lehman Brothers) and the institution of investment banks (banks that do not take deposits).
What then does this mean for us in South Africa? A phase of capitalist downswing always implies contraction in production and employment. This, moreover, is always an uneven process across the imperialist chain. Thus far, South Africa and Africa have been partly shielded by the rise of the so-called "Global South" (China, India, Brazil) as significant economic powers. Industrial development in these countries continues to be minerals intensive and this has fueled high prices for mineral products. Thus far, these countries have experienced the impact of the global crisis as relatively small declines in very high growth rates. In policy terms, this must surely be a major reason why we need to prioritise deepening our relations with these countries and insisting on continuing to diversify our trade relations.
Thus far, too, South African financial institutions have been spared the worst of "contagion" from the crisis in the US. Interestingly, The Business Times of 21 September attributed this partly to "exchange control" which meant "there is a healthy degree of trapped liquidity within the financial system".
But, there still remain serious risks. Continued downturn could further depress production across the world, including in the countries of the "Global South". Moreover, Morgan Stanley has warned that capital flows to "emerging markets" could be cut by a quarter in 2009 – as capital seeks to exit perceived "risky investments".
South Africa could find itself significantly impacted on by the latter, as we have relied on inflows of short term foreign capital ("hot money") to fund the deficit on the current account of the balance of payments (meaning we continue to import more goods and services than we export).
In immediate policy terms, this would suggest that that the drive to incrementally lift exchange controls needs to be revisited, that we must ensure that "leveraging" and "derivative trading" by South African financial institutions is properly and effectively regulated, and that we urgently take steps to reduce our dependence on short term foreign capital.
In the longer run, the current crisis of financialised global capitalism must surely become a rallying cry to redouble our efforts to end a system in which the lives and destinies of working people and the poor across the world are held hostage to a handful of speculators in Wall Street.

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Basta Ya!--USA

507-6599-5679 (crisis in sustainable nonhybrid agriculture) (Marx Engels works) (what communist/workers party declare) (Root Canal Cover Up, since 1917)

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008

Fwd: Keep the Panama Historical Society going...bring wife and daughter w/archy too!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric Jackson <>
Date: Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 10:19 AM
Subject: Keep the Panama Historical Society going...

We could wait for John to get better and give us instructions, but now we all know that this will not happen.
So now, let´s get together at the usual time and place, and carry on:

Ovidio Díaz Espino and John Carlson at the July 2, 2008 Panama Historical Society meeting, the most recent one that has been held. Photo by José F. Ponce

Never mind the guessing games about what "he would have wanted" ---  his surviving family and rank-and-file members want the Panama Historical Society to continue...

The Panama Historical Society after John Carlson

This is an unofficial call. If anything contradictory comes from the surviving Panama Historical Society officer, it will be passed along.

John Carlson, who more or less ran the Panama Historical Society as a one-man show with the crucial support of a large and varied cast of contributors, has died. Due to Carlson's injury the society, which generally met every month on the first Wednesday of the month at Niko's in Balboa, has not met since July.

Whether or not it's an "official" Panama Historical Society meeting, members and friends of the organization should gather at the usual time and place, on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at the Niko's restaurant in Balboa at 7:30 p.m., so that we can meet one another, appreciate what has gone before and carry on into the future.

Carry on the Panama Historical Society tradition

Niko's in Balboa

(next to the stadium)
Wednesday, October 1, 7:30 p.m.

Http://       (TeleSur)

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

Bush, Paulson make Dellinger look like a Boy Scout

As the Bush administration attempts to ram a bailout package of nearly one trillion dollars through Congress, it begins to feel like Colonel Sanders asking the public to trust him to take care of the chickens.

If it weren't so damn serious, there would be something almost comical about it. Here we have the White House, which has squandered trillions of dollars over eight years, and its point man, Hank Paulson, fresh from 38 years of gaming the financial system while working at Goldman Sachs, insisting that Congressional leaders hand over a trillion dollars to them with no debate and no strings attached.

In this real life drama, Bush and Paulson make John Dillinger, the legendary bank robber of the Depression years, look like a Boy Scout.

Nothing to do with socialism

This is not "socialism for the rich," as some have suggested. Socialist measures would thoroughly clean up and stabilize the financial system to be sure, but a socialist-led government would also place the good as well as the bad assets of the responsible parties (commercial and investment banks, private equity firms, and hedge funds) into the hands of a public democratically run authority. It would turn the Federal Reserve Bank, which during the Greenspan era was one of the main architects and cheerleaders of bubble economics (hi-tech, stock market and, its latest version, housing) into a publicly controlled institution. And it would bring those responsible to trial and penalize them appropriately, if convicted.

At the same time, a socialist-led government and its congressional allies would funnel money to homeowners and working people and enact special measures to assist communities of the racially oppressed, not to mention our rural towns. It would rebuild our nation's deteriorating infrastructure, invest in renewable energy and green jobs, and bring the Iraq war to a quick end. It would also propose the people's takeover of the energy complex, which has also turned into a cash cow of the wealthiest corporations.

Use common sense

Does it make any sense to give control of our financial and economic system for the indefinite future to the same individuals, who while gaming the system, got us into this mess in the first place? I can't think of anything that is less democratic or goes against the grain of common sense.

In the money and banking textbooks that I read years ago, our financial institutions and system supposedly channeled idle money to productive uses – to new technologies and business startups, to build homes and create jobs, to invest in new plant and equipment, and to construct and renew our nation's infrastructure, while extracting handsome profits all the while.

Looking back, it is fair to say that banks and investment houses did perform this function for a period in capitalism's development, but that period has largely passed.

Finance capital's rise and ultra-right rule

Indeed, with the rise to dominance of the extreme right and the reassertion of power by finance capital three decades ago, our financial system has operated more or less independently of other sectors of the economy, functioned largely free of any regulatory body, and grown exponentially.

Finance capital – in its quest to maximize its rate of profit – has drained dollars from the private economy (especially the manufacturing sector) and the public treasury into incredibly risky and speculative financial schemes; it has spawned a series of complex financial instruments and paper transactions which few understand, but fabulously enrich the buyers and borrowers of these exotic instruments, most of which have nothing to do with the real economy.

Finance capital has facilitated megamergers, takeovers and corporate flight to off shore locations; it has wreaked havoc on sovereign states and their economies, particularly in the developing world; it has without as much as a thought introduced enormous instability into the arteries of the U.S. and world economy, evidenced by the frequent financial contagions at home and globally.

And, it has been one of the main class agents to successfully engineer the biggest transfer of wealth in our nation's history from wealth creators -- the world's working people -- to wealth appropriators, the upper crust of U.S. finance capital, while leaving at the same time our nation with an astronomical pile up of household, government and corporate debt that cannot be unwound overnight.

In short, the reassertion of finance capital to a dominant position in the political economy of our country, which was only possible because of the right wing dominance of our nation's political levers of power, has come at a heavy price for the American people and people worldwide.

Clinging onto power

And yet, despite this incredible wreckage, this almost incomprehensible corruption, this reckless speculation, these merchants of plunder, debt and hardship are still attempting to resolve this financial crisis in a way that continues to leave them in charge of the main levers of power and their wealth intact.

As I said earlier, this is not socialism. A more apt description is parasitic state monopoly-finance capitalism. According to marxism, the main mission of the state is to reproduce the conditions for the reproduction of the class structure and economic relations of capitalism. If I am not mistaken, isn't this precisely what Bush, Paulson and team are doing now?

Arena of struggle

Of course, marxism also says that the state is an arena of struggle. While the ruling class employs the state apparatus, including violence when necessary, to impose its interests on society, a united working class and people can successfully resist these measures from within as well as outside state structures. This was done in the 1930s and in so doing, secured important victories for the nation's working class and its allies. It was also done in the 1960s and in doing so brought down the system of legal segregation. And we see it again today in the incredible efforts of millions of working people of all races and nationalities and their allies to elect Barack Obama and larger Democratic Party Congressional majorities in November. Indeed, it is a task that takes on even greater significance given the financial storm that is shaking our country.

For the moment however, the American people and their friends in Congress are faced with a first class challengeto impose their own imprint on the way in which this financial crisis is resolved. Let's have no doubt that our financial system can be stabilized and restored to its orderly functioning in a way that meets the needs of the American people and our country. But will take a fight!

Sam Webb is chairperson of the Communist Party.
Send Comments:

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008

Bob Chapman

US Mortgage bailout at half a trillion, Loss of confidence means end of credibility in the markets. Phony wars, phony values in real estate will cost all of you, financial companies bought out, power consolidated in financial markets, Gold on the rise, stock markets as volatile as a drunken sailor, why are the markets rallying after the big bailout

We recoil in disgust at the way these arrogant sociopaths, the henchmen of the Illuminati at the Fed and in our Treasury Department, led by Bernanke and Paulson, respectively, are taking the toxic waste losses of the Wall Street fraudsters and dumping them on the taxpayer sheople, while short-squeezing savvy investors by selectively prohibiting and prosecuting shorts of any kind for the stocks of about 800 financial institutions through early October, which all deserve to be shorted. Between the Byzantine dollar rally, the Saudi crude oil assassination, the peppering of precious metals by pernicious paper-hangers (wasn't Adolf Hitler a paper-hanger at one time?) and the short-squeeze on financials, we wonder how many more hedge funds are going to go under, and take everyone else with them in the process, as Lehman gets cannibalized just in time to rack up mark-to-market losses for the sheople to eat in the latest bailout bonanza for the fraudsters, soon to be revealed as the Resolution Trust Company II solution?

Bailing out the toxic mortgages found among the half of US real estate mortgages held or guaranteed by Phonie and Fraudie, some 5+ trillion worth, was not enough for them. Now, they want to pawn the rest of the toxins from the other half of US mortgages, which they estimate will be about a half a trillion. Gee, didn't they tell us the Iran War would cost 60 to 200 billion, only to find out later that when you add in future costs for veteran's disabilities and pensions, the cost could top 3 trillion? And didn't Bernanke tell us that the fallout from the subprime situation was contained? Of course, that was before we saw fraudsters around the world eat $350 billion and counting. And didn't all the fraudster CEO's keep telling us that their walking dead zombie companies were sound and liquid right up to the time that their shareholders got vaporized? Aren't you starting to get a little tired of all the lies? Can we trust even a single word spoken by anyone from Wall Street, the Fed or our "beloved" Treasury Department anymore? The Street, the Fed and our government now have ZERO credibility. This loss of confidence is going to take the markets down no matter what these reprobate and sociopath elitists do.

You will eat multiple trillions of dollars from each of the following: (1) The phony War on Terror; (2) the loss in real estate values caused by record inventories that will be created by defaults and foreclosures resulting from rampant unemployment, loan fraud, over-leveraged consumers and ARM and Option ARM resets; (3) the combined bailout of Fannie's and Freddie's share of the toxic waste contained in the approximately half of all US mortgages which these cess pools have made or insured, plus the losses from the Resolution Trust Company II bailout of the toxic waste from the remaining half of US mortgages; (4) the shortage in the FDIC's insurance reserves that will be generated by losses incurred on account of what will be anywhere from 1,000 bank failures, as suggested by billionaire Wilber Ross, to perhaps as many as half of all banks in the US, as recently suggested by Ken Lewis, CEO of Bank of America; (5) the PBGC's funding shortage to cover losses suffered by pension plan beneficiaries on account of pension under-funding caused by what will be the loss of as much as half of the value of all US equity shares; (6) the bailouts likely to occur when the credit default swaps and interest rate swaps, along with the entire bond market, go under in what will be the greatest bear market of all time in both bonds and derivatives, which are guaranteed to occur based on the hyperinflation that will be caused by all the other bailouts just listed, as well as by our continually burgeoning budget and trade deficits, the resulting double digit interest rates which will become necessary in order to combat inflation and to properly reward risks, which are about to escalate in astronomical fashion, and to attract foreign investment, which will soon drop to nil based on negative rates of return; (7) the loss in purchasing power due to hyperinflation generated by 1 through 6 above; and (8) the new wars for profit that will be started in order to restart our vaporized economy in the wake of the death and destruction caused by 1 through 7, above, and you can also add in the costs associated with potential social unrest and revolution that are almost certain to occur. When number 6 above comes to fruition, the entire world economy will implode and go into deep depression. None will escape the coming juggernaut of losses when the glowing, quadrillion dollar Derivative Death-Star goes supernova. The entire world economy will get sucked into the resulting financial black hole.

The Resolution Trust Company II will be rammed down the throats of Congress, just like (1) the Federal Reserve Act that has been used to inflate the middle class out of its wealth by imposing a stealth tax which is used to fund profligate government spending and enrich private banker's with their debt-based fractional reserve system of banking; (2) the passage of the US Income Tax, which is used to enslave and impoverish US citizens and to ensure payment of the US Treasury's debt to the Federal Reserve on its treasury paper; (3) the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act by the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act, which is what paved the way for the speculation, fraud and conflicts of interest that always arise when commercial banks and investment banks are allowed to be merged under one entity, as we just saw happen with Bank of America when it bought out Merrill Lynch, and this poisonous piece of legislation is what allowed the Illuminist bankers to pawn off the toxic waste which their investment banking division created for its investment banking clients, after getting fraudulent AAA ratings from the ratings agencies, on their hapless, sucker-dupe commercial banking clients; (4) the passage of the toxic Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which freed the then fledgling OTC derivatives market, including credit default swaps and interest rate swaps, from the regulatory power of both the SEC or the CFTC, leading to an out-of-control, unregulated, under-collateralized, quadrillion dollar volcano of smoldering, molten risk that no one understands in terms of its scope, its interrelationships and its counterparty risks, and now these financial weapons of mass destruction threaten the worldwide financial system; (5) the passage of the Iran War resolution based on Bush Administration lies regarding Saddam Hussein's supposed weapons of mass destruction and involvement in 911, which has led us into yet another bloody war for profit under the guise of security, democracy and freedom, and which has resulted in the killing of millions of Iraqi civilians and thousands of our soldiers (move over Hitler, Mao and Stalin, the Illuminati and their neocon henchmen are just getting warmed up as they take their shenanigans to the Balkans); (6) the approval of both Patriot Acts to help us fight the evil Osama Bin Laden and the phony "War on Terror" while dismantling our Constitutional rights; (7) the approval of the Military Commissions Act which makes all dissenters into "enemy combatants" and takes away their right to habeas corpus; (8) the passage of the John W. Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2006, which repeals Posse Comitatus, meaning that our military forces can now be used against our own citizens for the first time in our history, and contrary to our Constitution; and (9) the Fannie and Freddie bailout, which was just authorized so the fraudsters can dump their slime on taxpayers in a futile attempt to save their precious system of Ponzi-schemes and insider trading which is becoming unraveled right before their eyes. This is why all incumbents, except for Ron Paul, must be voted out in November.

The House Finance Committee, headed by Rep. Barney Frank, and the Senate Finance Committee, headed by Sen. Christopher Dodd, will give it their usual Boo-Boo, response: "I don't know, Yogi," in order to give the clueless sheople the appearance that they are going to protect taxpayers from the slimy bankers, when the reality is, it is already a done deal and has been planned long in advance, probably for many months, if not years, just like the Patriot Acts. What you are seeing happen right before your eyes is the revenge of the Illuminati for the passage of the Glass-Steagall Act. Not only have they repealed that act, but now they have reverted our system back to the way it was when the Stock Market Crash of 1929 occurred. This is why Bank of America jumped all over Merrill Lynch, and why you are hearing continual overtures for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to do the same, with claims that their business models are flawed. The fane-stream media now tells us that we need such combinations to give our financial institutions greater strength and staying power in the face of a crisis, when it is such combinations that are responsible for creating the crisis in the first place. This is the classic Hegelian Dialectic on steroids: first create the crisis, and then propose the predetermined solutions, stuffing them down everyone's throats, if necessary. If you want to see institutions that will automatically be deemed to be too big to fail the next time they defraud the public, just check out the gargantuan financial behemoths that will emerge out of the current crisis!

Note how this was all set up. First, all the legislation was put into place. Then the system is brought into a crisis situation, which was easily accomplished through deregulation, in order to propel us into a situation where the Illuminists are allowed to consolidate their power with the full blessing of the dopey sheople. Note how Bear Stearns was assassinated just before the Fed opened up its Primary Dealer Credit Facility and its Term Securities Lending Facility, which could have saved BS. They arranged to have BS's clients abandon them and withdrew BS liquidity and credit, and down they went, payback for not helping in the LTCM bailout and for not joining the Illuminist club. Then they string out all the other big commercial and investment banks, to see which ones would turn out to be the keepers, because the carnage was so bad and so widely spread that no one could tell which of the big commercial and investment banks might survive, if any. They needed time to figure out who the survivors would be. Hence, all the desperate bailouts dripping with moral hazard were made to keep them all afloat while they were attempting to make this determination. They decide to let Lehman fail because their condition is irredeemable and it looks like criminal charges may come up at some point due to shenanigans that management committed against their employee's pension money, making them a hot potato. They pair up Bank of America with Merrill Lynch, and we see JP Morgan Chase and possibly Wachovia pairing up with Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, respectively. Wachovia and Morgan Stanley are already in talks for a merger. AIG is being preserved to see if they can be fit into the consolidation scheme once all their problems have been sorted out.

To support the survivors, they then announce the Resolution Trust Company II bailout, kill all shorting of over 800 financial companies, and then spew out money and credit throughout the international banking system in amounts that are nothing short of spectacular. This is an outrageous, unbelievable, unprecedented consolidation of power, which flies in the face of free markets and paves the way for an ever-burgeoning corporatist, fascist police state. Hanky Panky wants to give the Fed sweeping regulatory power over this new group of behemoths who will control everything, while occasionally allowing crumbs to fall off their table for the little guys to gobble up. And there will be far fewer of the little guys to worry about after the carnage in the banking sector has finally ceased.

This is not a sure thing for them. The fraudsters remaining, even the big guys, could still fail, that is how bad this situation has become. The Illuminati are quaking with terror that they have overdone things and that they could end up destroying the whole system irreparably. That is why we are having all these bailouts stuffed down our throats.

Gold and silver went on a moon shot this week, with gold setting a new all-time record for a one-day increase in value. That is what happens when you keep pressing on the lid of a pressure cooker, trying to keep boiling, molten precious metals from escaping. Aiding gold and silver was the unraveling of longs in the USDX futures market, who were forced to cover because they had pushed the dollar up as far as it could go. Suddenly, the 93,701 contracts of open interest on Tuesday were reduced to 52,872, being cut virtually in half. That means the dollar rally is over and the ever more desperate bailouts are going to undermine confidence in the dollar. Soon, all these trillions in bailouts may lead to a downgrade of our treasuries, as our debt load will soon reach unsustainable levels, no matter how much the PPT tries to manipulate the markets. The stupidest dolt should be able to figure out that much.

The stock markets are shooting up and down with unprecedented volatility, bobbing and weaving like a drunken sailor as the PPT tries to fight the gravity created by the financial black hole created by the collapse of the Bailout Death-Star and the total lack of confidence of market players who are finally starting to realize that CEO's, Treasury Secretaries and Fed Chairmen are little more than pathological liars, and that the markets are rigged in ways that make China and Russia green with envy. Look at the condition of the Russian and Chinese stock markets, which are being vaporized, compared to ours, which has been placed in a state of suspended animation by the PPT anti-gravity machine. Hey Russia, and China, take some notes. We'll show you what it means to be a died-in-the-wool Marxist/Communist state! And we lead by example, so pay attention. Remember, the satanic trillionaires that run our command economy from behind the scenes are the ones who set you up and financed you. They are the true masters of Communism and Marxism! You guys are amateurs!!!

Do you really think the markets are rallying because everyone is impressed with the new string of bailouts? All the pros know where this is leading us, and they are de-leveraging. If you want to know why the markets are rallying, besides tens of billions of dollars being unleashed from the repo pool for insidious and in-your-face manipulations, check out the yen. At 9 am on the 16th, it was super yen, at 103.650 yen per dollar and 147.592 yen per euro. Now suddenly, despite the dollar crash, the yen has wimped out, and as of 2:25 pm on Friday, it stood at 107.065 against the dollar, and at 154.653 against the euro. Rally mystery solved. Let's get ready to rumble!!!

The members of Pink Floyd become prophets for America. Thanks to all the Illuminist lies the sheople have been injected with, the Goldilocks Matrix remains in tact. Yes indeed, you have all become "comfortably numb.

Just a little pinprick.

There'll be no more aaaaaaaaah! But you may feel a little sick.
Can you stand up? I do believe it's working, good. That'll keep you going through the show

Come on it's time to go.

There is no pain you are receding

A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.

You are only coming through in waves.

Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.

When I was a child

I caught a fleeting glimpse

Out of the corner of my eye.

I turned to look but it was gone

I cannot put my finger on it now

The child is grown,

The dream is gone.

I have become comfortably numb."

Group: Pink Floyd; Album: The Wall; Song: Comfortably Numb
We hope and pray that the dream is not yet gone, and that Americans get a fleeting glimpse of our former glory and greatness, and that they wake up and stop allowing these scum-bags to have their way with them.

RIP Richard Wright

Fotos 2: UN International Peace Day, Parlacen Pma. Rep. Prof. Álvaro Menendez Franco, Inst. Fermin Naedeau student teatro "Arco de Fuego" scenes on "domestic violence"