martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

International Solidarity--USA Labornet: We could provide on-line support to help train and build your connections with the Web.

About LaborNet
LABORNET WAS FOUNDED in 1991 to build a democratic communication network for the labor movement.

LaborNet's directors believe that the new communication technology must be put to use to revitalize and rebuild the labor movement.

To that end we established the first regular Labor News web page in the United States. We have continued to work at building up LaborNet not only in the United States but internationally through the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and with other independent labor communicators on the Internet.

LaborNets are now established in the United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Korea, Turkey, Japan. We have helped support LaborTech conferences around the world and have used our skills and abilities to build labor solidarity in every corner of the world.

LaborNet also works to defend the Internet from censorship and the privatization of information that would limit and destroy our rights to communicate and build world unionism.
Today labor can truly build an international communication network that can help challenge capital on a global level and the multi-nationals of the world are very aware of this.
Several years ago, the LaborNet Steering Committee decided that the Institute for Global Communications was no longer the right organization to run LaborNet.

LaborNet is now an independent network that seeks to build up labor communication for all working people. However, our severance funding from IGC is now becoming depleted.
How else can you help

LaborNet exists as a place to publicize your struggles and campaigns for workers rights. We always make room for stories about strikes, lockouts and workers' fights to organize. We also would like to expand LaborNet in a number of areas, e.g. as back information is archived, we shall provide search features to access it. Other interactive innovations will be added.

We ask you to join the LaborNet community in building up the use of this information network and technology for all working people. We are interested in helping your labor organization whether it be rank and file group, union local, Labor Council or International with getting on line and using the net to build labor power. We could provide on-line support to help train and build your connections with the Web. We are interested in your help in developing our Web pages and in bringing representation to our steering committee.
Please contact us if you have ideas, contributions and activities that you think we should do or be part of.
In Solidarity,Labornet Steering Committee

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